Monday, January 26, 2009

So, welcome home to you too!!

We FINALLY got moved into the new place..LOVE IT.. we arrived on Saturday, around noon.. Got all the stuff unloaded and into the new house.. Then......................the snow started! It snowed and it snowed.. and today is Monday and it's STILL snowing! We have about 8-10" of snow on the ground and expecting another 2 by the time this system moves the heck outta Wyoming! As I stick my tongue out in disgust at all the snow.. I think.. well welcome home to you too!! (coating that with sarcasm!) Not my favorite thing..

We spent the rest of the day Saturday unpacking and most of Sunday.. It's my favorite part of the move because you have this whole new bare house staring you in your face just waiting to be decorated the way I want to decorate it!

The kids love it here.. I just went this morning and registered Levi at his new Elementary school.. I was expecting him to start tomorrow (Tuesday) but halfway through me filling out the MOUNDS of paperwork, the school secretary took him to see his new class... That was all she wrote.. He wanted to stay. We went in and met his new teacher.. LOVE her so far, she was SO nice and soft spoken.. Just a pleasant person in general.. I think he will do well here at this school..I hope so.. considering the "monster" he had for a teacher at his last school.. Who is at this very moment, still under investigation because she spanked a kid in his class! BIG no-no!
Kaitlyn on the other hand, I wanted her to stay at home with me until Kindergarten, but she wants to go to school here too.. She has been in an academic Preschool since she was 3, they were WONDERFUL with her.. She knows more stuff already, than I ever did at her age back in the day and she isn't even IN kindergarten yet... She went with us this morning to register Levi, and fell in LOVE with the school.. She even asked me if I could get her a library card so she could go into the library! She will enter Kindergarten in August here and she couldn't be more excited!

So that is all that is going on here at the present moment.. As I get settled in a little more, I will be back to update! Until then.. ALOOOOOOHA!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!!

I am ALMOST finished packing! WHEW.. These last few days have been horrible.. Especially packing up the kids' rooms.. I feared for my LIFE in there! I am hoping to not have to move for a while after this one.. at least for another year... But I know that if I do, I have my man at my side and that's all I ever need!

You know, I realized something today.. well not just today, but it was so CLEAR to me today, I am still in love with Keith as much, if not MORE than the day we were married 15 years ago.. I have a dear (bestest) friend who is going through some troubles right now and my heart TOTALLY aches for her.. I wish I could do more to help her, but I can't.. other than to be there for her and listen to her when she needs to talk or cry or whatever she needs.. It almost makes me feel selfish to feel truly blessed to have Keith in my life, seeing what she is going through right now... I can't help it.. He is THE best thing that has EVER happened to me.. I have NO worries when I am with him...He is my EVERYTHING.... I just only hope that she can find someone who makes her as happy as I am.. I pray that for her!

Okay.. so enuff with the mushy stuff.. I have been getting homesick lately.. like REALLY homesick...It almost physically hurts.. Maybe it's just that I long to go back to being younger.. (don't we all?) Or maybe it is my instincts kicking in that I am needed there more than here right at the moment... I don't know...All I know is, I can almost smell the salt air.. and hear the seagulls while I watch the palm trees sway in the breeze.. We are aiming to go home this summer to spend a week at the beach.. How NICE that will be.. I'm hoping it happens for us this time... To me, the beach is almost "theraputic"...And I sooooooooo NEED that right now... It just seems you can think more clearly, see things you never saw before... The last beach we were at was in Alaska when we lived there.. If you wanted to call it a "beach".. Yes it was on the Pacific ocean..only where the sand was supposed to be, was nothing but slimy, cold rocks... and the water was FREEEEEZING... but one thing I've realized with all the traveling I've done the past 15 years... of all the places we have been... There are NO OTHER beaches like Florida beaches! I cannot wait to walk on one again! And with that, I'm going to finish packing my kitchen while I pretend to feel the sunshine on my skin!!

Until next time, have fun in the sun!!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New territory and what is going on at this moment...

Well, I never thought I would hop onto the "blog bandwagon" but here I am. I have a few friends that blog and thought why not? My life is not that interesting to begin with, but I always have plenty to say on many different subjects so I thought this might be good for me to have one certain place where I can be myself, say the things that are on my mind and not be judged (I hope!).

Where do I even start? We are moving, again. To Casper, Wyoming this time. You would think that after 15 years of doing this, I would be more used to it.. Well, I'm not. I sit here and I see a house that needs to be packed up in 3 days and I am trying REALLY hard this time to not procrastinate but it is not working in my favor. I know what needs to be done, but life just seems to get in the way each time I start to do it. That is always the way with me, I will start 100 jobs around the house and finish each of them to the halfway point, and get sidetracked onto yet another thing that needs my attention.. I find myself getting caught up on "half jobs" quite a bit. I need Martha Stewart to help me become an organized individual.. Though I doubt even SHE would be able to help..

We got the kids a new puppy for Christmas this year, she is the cutest little beagle you ever did see... but man.. I forgot how much a puppy is like a baby.. always with the eating and the potty training and the sleeping.. I feel like I have been thrown into Motherhood all over again! Of course I was promised that it wouldn't be just ME to take care of her.. The way I was talked into a puppy in the first place was to help teach the kids about responsibility... so much for that... I find myself checking her food bowl throughout the day to make sure she has food and water, me who cleans up after the accidents in the house (Though I must say, she is getting WAY better at letting me know she has to potty) and me who does the normal grooming a puppy requires.. I am about ready to hang up my title as "the puppy trainer" real soon! But alas, we are moving to be with Keith, who at this moment is working in Casper and only comes home on the weekends.. so maybe I can "share" the title then.. I hope.

I hate to cut my first blog short, but I have moving boxes calling my name and my husband calling my phone wanting an estimation as to where I am with packing.. UGH..

Until next time, my little chickadees, peace out!